Beaming You Up, Scotty


I have tried to detach my emotions from losing the trailer over the past few weeks but it is still tough seeing it hauled away. Such a sad & unceremonious ending.

I still remember the day my mom said she wanted me to have it and use it “…to travel all over or stay in it if you need to.”. It was right after we found out the heartbreaking news…it was stage 4 brain cancer she had.

And, use it I have! Before I was gifted the trailer, it helped me move from CO to WA, via Canada. What an epic trip that was. That trip was also the beginning of this blog back in 2012.

My parents came up to WA to visit and take the trailer back (really, it was also a vacation for them to places they had never been). I took it back to WA in March of 2017 after my mom died. I got a lot of use out of it, making trips to CA, OR, MT, CO and the northern Midwest. I also lived in it a few times while working various jobs. I got a lot of use out of it.

Just like my mom wanted me to.

Who knows. I may see it again on the highway some day. I’ve never seen another one so that would be even more special. And rare.

This trailer gave me so much and helped me in so many ways over the last eleven years. Honestly, it’s been odd being in actual houses the last few years since I got so used to being in the trailer.

So , thank you, Scotty. You had a huge impact on my life and an outsized part of it these last few years. Also, a big thanks to my mom (and my dad for following her wishes) for making the last six of those years more amazing than they already were, and for just making my life better.

I will hoist a pint and toast you all.


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