Asshat; Cooking

I just saw an article talking about how some self-centered shithead in Texas got on a flight without a boarding pass because “he needed to get home to see his family…” which had just flown in.

He apologized and said it was “a mistake” and “was only trying to get home.”. Bullshit. This guy knew EXACTLY what he was doing. He took pictures of several other people’s boarding passes on their phones while waiting in line to get through security. Then he used one of those pictures for getting through security. The pass picture he used was one of a boarding pass belonging to a girl. She tried to board the plane but was denied since her pass was already used by this dick. He got caught up in the lies when it came to seating and the plane turned around to go back to the gate to have authorities arrest him.

I would like to know how this stuff happens at airports when there are measures in place to KEEP it from happening. Every time I go through security I have to show a boarding pass AND my ID and they have to match. Apparently they didn’t check things like they should have at security and he got through.

I did have an issue myself at an airport a few years back that was an honest mistake. I had printed out a boarding pass for a flight at an airport in Florida. I had printed the wrong one for the first leg to Chicago; I had inadvertently printed out the pass from Chicago to home.

I got to the checkpoint, gave them my ID and boarding pass, and on I went through security to find my gate – not knowing I had printed the wrong pass and they didn’t catch it. I got in and looked at my pass for my gate info and saw the pass was the wrong one. I got the correct one printed out and that was that. But I still wondered how I got let through.

I should have NEVER been let through if security had been doing their job. But, it happened and it was an accident. At least they saw I had an ID and my name was on the boarding pass. This guy had used a boarding pass from a female. No questions? Name didn’t match the ID, or was it even looked at?

But this wasn’t a mistake. This was planned because little Mr. Entitled thought he was privileged. I hope this guy gets prison time. And there should be consequences for security for letting him through and into the plane.

There’s been more than one story like this in the news the past several months and it makes me wonder what AREN’T they catching that’s getting through? Why does this keep happening? Is Boeing running security? Hell, I’m afraid to even scratch my nose in security lines thinking it might flag me yet these people are getting through so easily. It also makes me wonder why people are assholes.

Something needs to be fixed.

Then there’s this bullshit of doing something you know is wrong, then playing stupid. Asking for forgiveness instead of asking permission in the first place seems to be business as usual in this country. I have seen and dealt with this whiny behavior numerous times in the jobs I had the last few years. Instead of doing the right thing to begin with, many try to get away with it, then when caught don’t want the consequences of their actions. Of course it usually works and that’s the problem. It never did work on me because I didn’t buy the lies and they paid the fines. It happens in politics every day as we are all too aware of these days.


I just saw a genius cooking hack and I don’t know how this is the first I heard of it.

What is this tidbit of brainery?

Salad bars.


Yep, salad bars. You can go to a salad bar to get small portions of fresh ingredients you need to make a meal, like a pizza. Things you only need a little of – like mushrooms, tomatoes, tofu…whatever your inner Julia Child desires (clever, eh? 😬).

For me, and this is me personally, I don’t eat at salad bars and I usually do not buy precut veggies and fruits if possible. I have done this for a few years now and it was mainly due to pathogens like E. coli. Every week on the news there seemed to be a story about it and it creeped me out since it’s probably gonna be a poop-related incident (human waste sludge is used for fertilizer). But, if it’s gonna get cooked, like on a pizza or a stir-fry, then it’s probably going to be okay.

The article did say that it is best to do this if you just grab a few things as it can save money and not waste food (and you will be paying for it, right?). Salad bars can get pricey so bigger amounts may be best purchased in bulk.

It’s a brilliant idea though! Next time I’m at a store with a salad bar I’ll be having a look at what they carry. Sometimes I need just a little of something (same with spices) and that’s a perfect solution.

(“…inner Julia Child desires.”. 🤣🤣🤣 sorry…I cracked myself up)


That’s it for today. Thanks for looking at my blog.


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