Cell Service; iOS Update; Camping; Travel

Shades of ZZ Top! Actually, I found this back in my woods.

Last month I finally decided to pull the trigger and change cell providers, going from Verizon to AT&T.

I have been on the fence about this for a while; my previous experience with AT&T was not very good, but they have the best service in the area. I finally decided to make the switch after I saw the offer for a free iPhone 15 Pro Max if i switch and send them my 12 Pro Max.

Wait a minute…I can get better service at the house, save money every month even WITH my Apple Watch cell service, and a free top of the line iPhone? I am there, Dude.

The phone is awesome and really fast. The pictures and video capabilities are amazing. This phone is going to last me three years like the last one – hopefully longer. My 12 Pro Max was fine but was at the end of its battery life. It was in a case its entire life and was in perfect condition. I really like this 15 Pro Max though!


I was curious about Apple’s new Journal app in the latest iOS update. It has gotten many positive reviews. I have to say it is a pretty cool feature and I have started using it, along with the State of Mind part of the Health app that came out last time. That one helps track your mental well-being. It’s good to have all the info you can about your health.

I wasn’t sure about the journaling because I have tried others before and just couldn’t get into it. On top of that, this blog is a type of journal, albeit not as personal because I’m not sharing everything I do with everyone.

But, Journal makes it easy and is set up just as user-friendly as all the reviews say. It is very intuitive and the layout is simple but is conducive to making you WANT to journal. I decided to try it myself and have done a few entries now. You can choose from several different options daily for topics to write about, like pictures, or a location you visited, people you have con tact with (yeah, there’s yer AI, folks). It’s private, as everything is processed on-device and password-protected. Still not a good idea to brag about a crime in it, but I think it is worth at least a look and it just might make you want to journal.


Oak tree; notice the tiny leaf clusters all over the main branches – Weston Bend State Park, Weston, MO

(Usually I do a daily post when I travel anyplace, but there wasn’t much to post about this as a major trip. I will continue to post that way.)

Last weekend I meet Dave & Lori back in Weston Bend State Park for one more group trip this year. It was windy, cool and a bit rainy so it was pretty uneventful.

Until 5:00 AM Saturday morning, that is.

That’s when I was awakened by what was the end of the previous night’s four bottles of wine between Dave & I, with one or two glasses for Lori. I was also lucky in that it was simultaneously the beginning of the “most-of-the-day-regretting-the-ride-on-the-Hell-Express” hangover. Got that outta my system for a while. We had a big time catching up some more while getting faced.

But, it was a good day to be inside anyhoo. We were able to get outside for a little while later in the day. Mr. Sun came out to play and helped with the previous night’s misery, but even having a fire going it was kinda miserable outside. I did get to roast a coupe of Nathan’s Hot Dogs over the fire. I have not had a hot dog in probably a year or two so I enjoyed having a couple charred on a stick.

Otherwise, it was a pretty uneventful weekend. We did get a few pics in the park.

Looking sxoutheast across the Missouri River into Leavenworth, KS – Weston Bend State Park, Weston, MO
Looking east across the Missouri River into Ft. Leavenworth, KS – Weston Bend State Park, Weston, MO

After getting back Dave and I both winterized our trailers. They are probably keeping theirs parked at home until March but I am undecided but decided to winterize out of convenience. The way to winterize these new rigs is fast & easy so it’s not a big deal to do it more than once. It’s a small price to pay to get away.

I did some post-trip cleaning and putting things away. I tried a new method for packing food in the cabinets. Last trip I made before this my groceries were on the floor when i stopped. I decided to put some bigger tubs in the food cabinet to put smaller things in and I think that is the ticket to staying organized in that cabinet.

I also moved some things around before and during this trip. I was concerned about my griddle getting damaged so I put it in a storage tub along with all the accessories and made better use of the passthrough storage where it was at. I can haul it either in the bed of the truck or in the bunkhouse storage in the trailer.

I am just about dialed-in now with where things are and the storage usage. I know I’ve said that before but I feel it’s dialed-in pretty well.


You know by now if you have been reading my blog long that I live for travel, near or far, and any adventure, be it big or small. I want to see and do things and go places.

Thinking about your own travels, What are your favorite places to visit? What do you like to do? Are there places you want to go but haven’t? Do you have any questions about those places?

Feel free to post your answers or questions in a comment if you’d like.


That’s all for this post. Thank you for reading my blog.


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