December 4th, 2019

With year's end drawing to a close it's looking like I will finish the year with only three surgeries! Recovery from my last surgery a few weeks ago is still in process but is going pretty good and that is such a relief in many ways; a relief in the form of the good news … Continue reading December 4th, 2019

Pondering on an Autumn Sunday Morning

Ahh, the calm of an early Sunday morning. It's such a peaceful time unlike Saturdays where people are running around doing errands, shopping, and taking care of things so they can spend their Sundays watching sports, having family dinners, or whatever. Cup of rich, dark, black coffee and WordPress is the first order of the … Continue reading Pondering on an Autumn Sunday Morning

Summer is Unofficially Here!

It is hard to believe that the travel season started this weekend. Throngs of happy, smiling people cramming into a tiny space at one time, financial assault at the gas pumps, and traffic jams on the highways. What a good time just waiting to be had by all! One thing usually associated with summer is … Continue reading Summer is Unofficially Here!